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The Intention:
In this advanced technological age it seems there is so much to do and less and less time for meaningful connection.  I have always appreciated how easy it is to create an extraordinary moment for someone with a simple act of kindness or acknowledgement,,, a few thoughtful words can alter the worst of days, or put the best of days over the top.  These are the moments that add joy and inspiration to others' lives and enrich our own for having done so.

It is my intention, through Simply Soulful, to create moments of joy, inspiration, and deeper connection in our world. 

The Beginning:
I love greeting cards and have spent countless hours in card shops, delighting myself in my search for something unique, thrilled when I'd find the perfect card for an occasion.  Eventually, I began creating my own cards.  It was through this personal expression to friends and family members that I was encouraged to extend my creations to a wider circle so that others may have access to what I offer.  It’s been a long and, at times, uncertain path, but always rewarding—if not, at the very least, a grand learning experience!

The Expression:
The greeting cards are a simple expression of my love of doodling, brilliant colors, and the power of positive words.  I start each project with paper, coloring pens and an inspiration.  Each image represents a stage of my own personal journey.

The Business:
Simply Soulful is an ongoing project of the heart; I have many ideas 'in the oven’.  So keep checking in, and in the meantime I invite you to connect with me.

What I Believe:

v  Forgiveness is the key to freedom;

v     True strength comes from an open heart;

v Imagination is the seed to possibility;

v     Miracles occur when you believe; 

v     Love is the greatest Power of all;

v     There is purpose in everything;

v     Life is a journey of discoveries... 
...and the greatest of all is your Self!

   Let's stay connected! ~ Teresa Triska
t t @ s i m p l y s o u l f u l . c  a


Simply Soulful Greeting Cards & Gifts